““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Table of Contents
to all who are thirsty
This chapter of Isaiah is titled “Invitation to the Thirsty.” So, starting from that perspective, this is written to all who are thirsty – all who are searching for something to satisfy them. Isaiah starts the chapter talking about this promise that the Lord has made to each of the Israelites for everlasting life, and when we get to verses 8-10 we begin to see the shift from a promise to a command for his people to seek the Lord. The Lord declares His thoughts and our thoughts are not the same, just as His ways are not our ways. There is a disconnect because His ways and His thoughts are much higher than ours. And it takes us turning from our wicked ways and thoughts to His righteous ones. He goes on to compare the rain and precipitation of this earth to the promise He has made to us. It is not an empty promise. When the rain hits the earth, it provides a necessity for the plants and crops to grow.. Just the same are each of His promises to us. They will always achieve the purpose He sends them for.
his thoughts are better
This should be encouraging to us. I think it is easy for us to get caught up in our own head and our own thoughts, and a lot of times they can be really overwhelming. Whether it is your roommate who is frustrating you because he/she won’t throw away the Cane’s cup that has been sitting out for 4 days, your grades, or the fact that you’re having a tough time finding community—it is comforting to know that these aren’t His thoughts or frustrations. His thoughts and His ways are much higher than ours apart from Him. His truth—that is something that we can cling to. The truth that His love is patient, that our worth is not in our grades, and that we were made for relationship – these are things we can hold on to.
two things that will change your life
I have two challenges for you this week: 1. get in the word and 2. pray. I know a lot of you may have just rolled your eyes at that (and that is fine—I’ll take it) but those are two things that will drastically change your mindset. We can’t cling to the promises He has for us or the truth that He speaks over us if we don’t know the promise or the truth. The more you read His word, the more you will know Him and His character. And it will become easier for you to believe what He says because you will know Him rather than just knowing people who know him. And I challenge you to pray that your thoughts would come in line with His thoughts and your ways would fall right under His ways. That you would begin to think like God—c’mon, thats for you! With Him, you will begin to see your roommate as He does, you will begin to find your identity in who He is rather that what a number says, and you will begin to walk in the confidence that He has given you and the boldness to talk to someone new with no fear of rejection. Having a relationship with Him changes things. It’s for each of you—you get to choose it.
Lord, I thank You that Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts and Your ways are higher than our ways. Thank You for seeing beyond our chaos and our lives. God, I pray for a grace to get into Your word this week. That You would carve out time in our hectic schedules. That there would be a hunger and desire just to know who You are. That we would just choose You this week.
– Ashley Gibson